Itchy eyes …

Gosh I’ve been eating out at restaurants a lot lately. The last thing I want to do is be in the kitchen right now… That’s not a good sign for someone who writes cookbooks is it?

I’ve had this frickin itchy spot on my eyelid all winter and my doctor told me it was eczema. F**k! Really? I haven’t had eczema since I was on The Dairy … he gave me some cream and it got rid of the itchy spot temporarily but it kept coming back.

Then he suggested it was allergies from spring … we have had a very flowery spring.

Speaking of flowers … look what my neighbours did on their lawn with flower petals. Totally made my day.  🙂

But no luck with the itch … No matter what meds I used the corners of my eyes were constantly itchey and I’d wake up in the middle of the night scratching them like crazy and then that damn itchy spot would come back.

Then I had a thought – could it be wheat?

I’ve been wheat free for about 2 weeks now and guess what? Itchy eyes are gone. Great. Now I’m a vegan who doesn’t eat soy or wheat. No wonder I don’t want to be in the kitchen … I am so not feeling inspired.

Yesterday we ate at Hernandez and instead of Burritos we had the hand-made corn tortilla topped beans, rice, salsa and greens on top. YUM!

Today was Ethiopian …

Drinking lots of green drinks…

And trying not to stress too much about not wanting to be in the kitchen. I’m trying to trust my process … and maybe there’s no more cookbooks in me. Maybe I’m headed towards something else? I have no clue but my life has always kind of revealed itself to me – so we’ll see what happens. 🙂

I’ve also been really busy at the shop. The majority of the major renos are done but there’s lots of little things left to do. We painted the floors this weekend …

Now we have to add the trim (yay we get to use the chop saw!) and then we have to tackle the bathroom which we had to rip apart a few months ago when we had that flood. So we are FAR from finished. Maybe that’s another reason why I don’t have any interest in being in the kitchen …

The shop is taking up a lot of my Fergus time as well … look at that face … so I’ve been trying to give him lots of energy draining play-time so he doesn’t miss me when I’m not at home.

I also promised myself that I would edit The Funhouse (my fiction story) at least 20 minutes a day (or more if I felt inspired) and I’ve managed to do almost none of it. I guess I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately and that makes me totally turtle and do nothing.

… I reallllly looking forward to my week long Go-Go’s adventure get-a-way in July. 🙂

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9 Responses to Itchy eyes …

  1. Alyssa says:

    Oh, Sarah, I love you like you love the Go-Gos. Anyhow, I’m a soy and gluten free vegan and I was wondering if you had any crazy delish ideas for meals?

  2. nova says:

    I’ll edit it. For a price. 🙂

  3. Hi Sarah. I was getting excema on my left hand a few years back and I tried going off wheat – the insane itchiness was gone within 3 days! I cut wheat out completely for six months to give my body a break, and now I can have it a few times a week with no problems. Hope the same happens for you! xxx, a.

  4. Chiarina says:

    Hello Sarah, I had the same situation with my eyes. In my case it was because my cat sleeps on my bed. Of course there was no way I would get rid of my cat. At the same time to prevent other severe seasonal allergy symptoms, I started doing sinus rinses everyday and since then I have no more itchy eyes and my symptoms have diminished considerably. It also prevents catching colds.

  5. Andrea says:

    Sarah, I like your book…I’m not strict vegetarian but get allergic to soy, wheat, dairy (itching, coughing, etc);
    also need to eat anti-inflammatory due to pain condition.
    so it’s tough…need to modify recipes, eat simply, etc.
    Have you seen doc “Food Inc.”?

  6. Alice Kelly says:

    eczema totally sucks coz they can also damage your skin when you scratch it*,”

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