I'm old…

I got tattoo’d today and totally tapped out after the outline… why does getting tattoo’d hurt so much more now that I’m older?? No photos for you today, I’m afraid … you’ll have to wait till I get it colored. *oh Jesus*

We did a few more renos this week. By “we” I mean Gerry put in a new fan in my bathroom and now when I take a bath it’s no longer a tropical rain forest in there… it’s now bone dry. YAY! He also fixed the ball/cock. *hee hee* The toilet now runs like a dream!

In other news… no news. Just chillin and enjoying the quiet.

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0 Responses to I'm old…

  1. Anonymous says:

    I know what you mean!
    I am 33 and two weeks ago, got my first tattoo in over a decade (I have lots of others from my 20s).

    I hopped up on the table game as anything, then nearly passed out from the pain! WTF!

  2. E.K. Wimmer says:

    This makes no sense to me. It should hurt less with age. I thought your skin gets crusty and hard when you’re old. It should be like tattooing a dinosaur.

  3. Crys T says:

    Oh no, please don’t tell me this!

    I’m planning on my first tattoo since about 1994, and now I’m gonna be all nervous about it…..and I wanted it to be my biggest one, as well. 🙁

  4. mishka says:

    shoot. I’m also planning my very first tattoo evah at age 34. Am I going to cry like a little girlie? I thought I was all kinds of tough, but now I’m scared.

    So, where’s the tattoo photo, huh? huh?


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