If I can make it there…

Jan 2007 update

Hello my friends,
Hope you are having a happy new year so far!! Wow what a long time without an official update so let’s get right to it…

I wanted to write a quick note to let you know I’m coming to NYC. I’ll be doing a “meet & greet” book signing at MooShoes on Sat Feb 17th from 3-6pm. So please come down and say hello and I’ll also help you find the perfect pair of shoes.

I will also be doing a cooking demo/lecture at Syracuse University on Tues Feb 20th for The Committee on Women and Art. The demo starts at 7pm sharp so don’t be late: Room 500 in the Hall of Languages – Syracuse University

No new books in the works… just taking some time to re-charge my creative batteries and work on different interests. I have been working mostly on my photography and it’s been very satisfying to be creative in a different way then writing books. I’m enjoying myself immensely.

I hope to see some of you in NYC or at the Syracuse event. Please don’t be shy to come up and say hi. I love meeting new people… so just come over and say hello.

Mucho love and kisses to you all!

I almost forgot… I would like to encourage all of you to write a letter/postcard/note to The Shac 7. They need our support more than ever and a note or letter from the outside is a great way for them to escape the confines of prison. Their addresses are HERE. They are also always in need of financial help and you can donate HERE.

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0 Responses to If I can make it there…

  1. leigh says:

    i will be at MooShoes with BELLS ON! well, perhaps not with bells, but definitely there. Did you find a place to stay?

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