I love my weekends …

Gerry and I had a lazy Sunday morning. We ate some Apple Pie Pancakes (from La Dolce Vegan)…

…and sat around like lumps until I couldn’t stand it anymore (I’m not good at being lazy). We pulled Fergus out from under the duvet (he’s really good at being lazy) and headed to Thetis Lake for a hike.

Thetis was in rare form. The lake was moody and misty and there was magic in the air. I love hiking there when the weather is crappy…

Someone decorated a few trees along the trail and while I’m usually a Bah-Humbugger … the tree made me smile. It’s a sweet idea.

We hiked HARD and talked a mile a minute about all the possibilities and dreams in our life that we’d like to make happen. We made plans and more plans and tried to figure out the best way to make those dreams a reality. So many of our dreams have already become a reality …we now know the formula to make that happen.

Daydream. Whittle down your idea. Steely eyed focus and plan, plan, plan some more and then work harder than you ever have in your life and it will happen. No secret. Not rocket science. The most fun part for me is the daydreaming and planning.

We got home exhausted and collapsed on the couch and watched a few more episodes of Mad Men (which I am loving). Joan Holloway makes me want to put on my girdle and show off my curves. Meow.

I had THE WORST nights sleep. Not sure if it was from all the exercise or perhaps from the Cookie Dough Ice Cream we ate before bed … but I didn’t get to sleep till 3:30am.

I woke up feeling like a zombie but was determined to get some errands done no matter what. As I walked into the bathroom I saw that Gerry was about to shave off his mustache. ACK! As much as I hate the thing … I want him to accomplish his goal of growing it out so he can have an old-timey curly moustache.

Once I talked Gerry down from shaving his Soup Strainer we took Fergus for a wee walk (he was still exhausted from the hike at the lake) and then left him curled up on the bed so we could run downtown and do errands.

I decided we should go to The Dutch Bakery for coffee. I realized that I have lived in Victoria for over 20+ and had never been inside. Not surprising … I mean it’s the kind of bakery/cafe that has NOTHING for a vegan like me but I had a cup of tea and some toast w/peanut butter.

I was really just there for the ambiance. I love a crusty diner.

Can you still buy this kind of crockery? I want some for my house … I never see it at thrift stores. I wonder if you can still buy it new?

The waitress there recognized me from the cookbooks. She was sweet. I think she was wondering what I was doing there. *laugh*

It was a great weekend. I’m actually looking forward to this upcoming X-mas weekend. You all know that I don’t celebrate the holiday … but I’m excited for our annual late brunch/dog walk/Movie Matinee on x-mas day. I think Auntie Bonnie and some other friends are going to join us. I am counting the days!

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One Response to I love my weekends …

  1. Kay Allen says:

    I found your blog after purchasing your HIAV book (love, LOVE it). This quote today really inspired me:”Daydream. Whittle down your idea. Steely eyed focus and plan, plan, plan some more and then work harder than you ever have in your life and it will happen. No secret. Not rocket science. The most fun part for me is the daydreaming and planning.”
    Just fantastic – had to write.
    Keep’n warm in Wisconsin –


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