Happy New Year!

I love New Years. Not because I like to party like a rock star but because it’s a chance to reflect back on the last 364 days and see if I’m pointed in the right direction. Like most self-employed people with several business to attend to at once – the last thing on my to-do list is “take care of me”.

Well, I pledge to myself (and now that it’s on the internet – perhaps I’ll stick to it) that 2009 will be the year of Sarah.

What does this look like?
 I will strive for excellence, not perfection.

– I will be grace under pressure.

– I will pick my battles and let the rest slide off my back like water on a duck.

– I will turn off my computer at 6pm and not check my e-mail until morning.

- Most importantly … I will be kinder to myself.

2009 is going to be awesome!!

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4 Responses to Happy New Year!

  1. Jane says:

    Happy New Year to you too Sarah. Thanks so much for your inspirational and fun posts this year. Janey xx

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow–That was a great post…bring on 2009!

  3. Alice says:

    Yes, please, take good care of yourself, Sarah!
    Best wishes for 2009,

  4. E.K. Wimmer says:

    I’m going to test you from time to time in 2009 with e-mails after 6pm, I better not get a response! Although I might then think we’re no longer friends and I’ll ask you why you ignored my e-mails.

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