Mothers day is always bittersweet for me.
I miss my Mum terribly but at the same time I am bathed in love by all the lovely woman in my life that I can’t be too bummed out.

Circa 1968
I was chatting with my niece today and told her I wished there was a AUNTIE DAY. She said we should invent one … so maybe next time she visits me we’ll have a Auntie party. 🙂
Today was a nice mellow day. Gerry and I walked to meet our friend Stu for coffee then we walked to the grocery store, came home, made lunch, cleaned the deck and had a nap.
Actually our nap accidentally turned into a long sleeping session that I don’t dare call a nap. Naps to me are under 30 minutes. This one lasted 90 minutes. *laugh* Whoops! I blame the beautiful spring weather (can you call it spring when you’re wearing a t-shirt and shorts already) for making us nap so long … today we had all the windows open. All that warm breezy fresh-air makes a gal feel snoozy.
On the docket tonight? Survivors. No … not Survivor. SurvivorS with a S. It’s a BBC TV series (Gerry downloaded from Itunes) about a group of people who survive a global plague. It’s really good … great writing/acting.
One of the main characters (Tom) is played by Max Beesley and I couldn’t remember where I had seen him before but I knew I had seen him in something so I checked him out on IMDB and realized he was the dude from GLITTER! *laugh*
He’s a much better actor in Survivors. 🙂
Lovely post, Sarah. Well, you are Fergus’ mom, so happy Mother’s day to you!
Survivors was awesome! Well, I thought so anyway. Ryan was kind of on the fence about it.