Happy Birthday to me!

I’m the birthday girl!!

More news soon… so much going on. Can’t wait to share. 🙂

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0 Responses to Happy Birthday to me!

  1. Pitufo Feroz says:

    happy birthday!!


  2. Ken says:

    Happy Bday 🙂

  3. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!! And wishing you many, many more.
    Party hardy girl!

  4. mishka says:

    Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl!

  5. primaryconsumer says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Panik says:


  7. Victoria E says:

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, live it up lady 🙂

  8. Mizz Monster says:


  9. kinziephoto says:

    Happy Birthday! 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful day!

  10. Michelle says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! 🙂

  11. Buenosayres says:

    Happy Bday Sarah! hope all is well. take care.

  12. VeganLisa says:

    Hi Sarah,
    I was just looking at LDV and saw that today is your birthday…so I jumped on to the internet to wish you a very, very Happy Birthday!

  13. KleoPatra says:

    Happy Birthday, Sarah!

    You’re a Moon Child – i should have known!

    Hope you have a FANTASTIC year ahead filled with the best of everything.

    Can’t wait to hear about how your big day went!

  14. rudee [SSOV] says:

    haaaaappppy birtttthday to yaaaaaaaaaa
    haaaaappppy birtttthday to yaaaaaaaaaa
    haaaaappppy birtttthday to yaaaaaaaaaa
    haaaaappppy birtttthday to yaaaaaaaaaa

  15. Jean says:

    Happy birthday! I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful year for you.

  16. t. says:

    Super Happy Birthday!!!
    Mine was just 5 days before yours! (22nd) and I had a vegan chocolate cake bomb!

  17. Alex says:

    Happy birthday!!!

  18. pplteen says:

    Hey June 27th is my birthday too, and I got your book as a present!

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