Good Life Cleanse

I was talking to a girlfriend in Toronto a few weeks ago and she was telling me she was doing a 5 day juice cleanse from a local cold-pressed juice company. As we were talking about it – I started wondering if there was a place in Victoria that I could do something similar.

Yes yes. I have a juicer and and yes yes I use it often – but in order to do a 3 or 5 or 7 day cleanse you have to do A LOT of juicing and I honestly don’t have the time.

I know it sounds weird because I don’t have a “job” so what on earth eats up all my time? (ha ha) but it really feels like I very little time for extra curricular stuff right now. Between helping Gerry with Tattoo Zoo, my daily Aquafit, my classes for being an Aquafit Instructor, Encore at the Y and the dog … I don’t have a lot of time to be in the kitchen squeezing the juice out of carrots.

I started looking around town and was disappointed to see that that Victoria doesn’t have anywhere that you can purchase a juice cleanse. You can get juice at restaurants like Bliss, Re-Bar, etc but we don’t have any juice bars in town that will set you up with enough juice for a 3-5-7 day cleanse.

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I tried some samples of their Cold-Pressed juice (so yum) and was so thrilled to discover that they deliver to Victoria!! Wahooo! I signed up on the spot and our juice arrived by messenger this afternoon. So starting tomorrow Gerry and I are doing a 7 day cleanse!! EEEEEK!

Gerry is doing the JUICE TIL DINNER cleanse because he’s a little nervous about not eating (and tattooing). He’s actually going to flip it and do the juice the A.M. Eat lunch during the day and have juice for dinner. I’m going all in. I’m doing straight juice for 7 days. 🙂11032987_694514027324887_480828356_n

The juice arrived today and my mouth is watering in anticipation. I can’t wait to start!!

And you guys know how much I love you and your support – so I asked Good Life Cleanse if they would do a discount code for all my readers and they said yes!!

If you use the code: govegangogoodlife you will get 15% off your order!! The coupon code is good until April 15th.  🙂 Check their website to see if they will deliver to your area. I think right now they are only doing delivery in BC and Alberta.

I’ll be blogging about my experience – so stay tuned for me whining about hunger pangs and bowel movements. ha ha.

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7 Responses to Good Life Cleanse

  1. Lori Wheeler says:

    Super interested to hear how it goes. There is just something about biting into food after a liquid breakfast and lunch on work days that I might not be able to do it. So if you can do a post each day (if you have time 🙂 ) that would be great!! Good luck!

  2. Stephanie says:

    I’ve been super interested in doing a juice cleanse. I live WAAAAY out of their delivery area, so I may have to wait until summertime when I can make my own juice. Please do give us updates!

  3. jane lynch says:

    hi sarah! i did a 10-day juice cleanse last year and felt so invigorated. i’d say the first couple of days were the toughest but after that it was amazing. i felt lighter & clearer than i’ve ever felt. i’ve been thinking of doing another one now that it’s spring and feels like a nice time to cleanse physically & mentally. you’ve just inspired me to do it again! i think i’ll start this weekend. 🙂 enjoy the ride.

  4. Krysta says:

    Hey Sarah! I’m Toronto-based and was wondering the name of the company your friend used for her juice cleanse?

  5. Pingback: Good Life Juice |

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