Good Golly Dolly!

The Post Office Box has been very good to me lately…LOOK AT MY NEW PURSE from Dungaree Dolly’s!

Designed and sewn by Ms.Dolly herself… this little purse carries EVERYTHING I need and hot damn… do I ever look good carrying it!!

Check out her website … there are a TON of cutie-pie bags to choose from. Thanks Dolly!

Dolly also included some stickers and a little pocket mirror. Since I already have a pocket mirror from Sick on Sin… I thought I should share my Dolly Mirror with you.

Congrats to AMANDA for winning the pocket mirror! The next 5 e-mails after that will get a Dungaree Dolly sticker. Don’t forget to include your mailing address. 🙂

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0 Responses to Good Golly Dolly!

  1. IndiaTheVegan says:

    Sarah… hi! I just stumbled across your website. How fantastic!!

    It’s quite funny, because my mum bought me Where It All Vegan a few months ago, and here I am, 12:18am in Adelaide, Australia, searching the net for some vegan food ideas, and pop, there you are. How awesome!!

    I’ve been a vegan now for about 6 months. Best thing I ever did do. Very excited to get stuck into your website… yes!

    Have a good one.

    X India

  2. Kramers says:

    Not our purse of choice… but good on ya!
    Glad you are loving life and havin fun.
    Man- you get a lot of mail.

  3. ms.pants says:

    thx so much for the little elephant magnet. he’s hanging out with my zebra and deer magnets.

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