Had my Power Port removed on Monday. I did ok … I knew I’d be stressed about it so I brought my Ativan with me.Â
I walked into the surgical room and told Dr.H that I took an Ativan because I was nervous.
He said “I’m nervous too so I took 5 Ativans. Are you ready to get this thing out?” Ha ha. What a joker that guy is …
Dr.H removed it using a local – so that meant I was awake for the whole thing. Ugh. It was creepy. I’ll spare you the details. I just did a lot of square breathing and let my mind wander to my happy place.
I asked Dr.H if I could keep my port and he was SO excited that I wanted to see it. He said “You’re just like a man. I’ve never had a woman ask to keep the port. It’s always men who ask. You’re just like a man…” I was like “Thank you?” and then I took my port and headed home for a long nap.
The next day I felt pretty good… in fact I felt so good that I took the dog to the park for a walk. Then I ran some errands at the drug store, went to Linens and Things and bought a juicer. Went to the grocery store and bought some veggies to make juice with and then I met up with the drywall guy (who is fixing our bathroom) and then met Gerry and our friend Roberto for dinner at the taco place down the street.
I woke up today feeling like shit. NO WONDER!! Look at all those things I did post-surgery? What is wrong with me?? Why can’t I sit still and just rest? I’m the worst patient. Ha ha.
The good news is that my body is so focused on healing this wound on my chest that my crushing joint pain seems to have subsided. Fingers crossed this means I’m getting used to the Tamox.
Here’s a little video I made of my port so you can get a closer look at it. I think it’s amazing … this little invention saved my veins from being battered by the chemo. I didn’t realize it was so BIG! It didn’t feel that big under my skin.
What should I do with it? Turn it into a ring? Or a necklace??Â
Have you heard of cayenne salve? I bought some for my husbands aches and he really likes it. I think his has beeswax. But, I swear I saw vegan stuff on etsy. Although, I am going to try making some soon. I think there was a video on Nutritionfacts about it. basically it tricks your nerves into attacking the cayenne which gives your joints a break. I don’t know if your skin would be too sensitive. I just thought it was worth a mention. Love, prayers, and healing from Montana.
I haven’t … I’ll google it right now. Thank you!
This stuff is great. http://merryhempsters.com/hemp/lipbalm/T12.html I have even used it for stomach aches as a diversion.
I had my gallbladder removed last November and had to have a drain for 2 weeks, which was disgusting enough, but I was not prepared for having the drain removed. The doc said, “squeeze my hand” and his assistant just ripped it out. It was super long, and the feeling of having it removed will haunt me forever. And your experience is at least a thousand times tougher than my gallbladder surgery, so I honor your good sense of humor. And everything else about you, Fantastic Sarah!!
Danielle. I had a drain when I had my mastectomy. I’ll never forget that feeling when they pull it out. SO GROSS!
Oh my goodness – I too had no idea it was so big! Good on you for getting it outta there. That’s a great moment.