Go Vegan Calendar – JULY!

This is one of my all time favourite photos from the calender because it showcases so many things I love.

First … THE DRESS! This fabu dress from Bettie Page Clothing is so sexy. From the front it looks like a typical little black wiggle dress and then in the back you have this awesome sexy surprise. And it made my ass look amazing! 🙂

Unfortunately Rudee (who did all the graphic design for the calendar) cropped my epic ass out of the photo (I don’t think you can handle all this jelly). He was probably right to do so – the focus should be on the Better Than Butter Tarts and not my butt. 🙂

The Butter Tart is a Canadian dessert that has a sweet history here in my country (pun intended) and I veganized a recipe from one of my vintage cookbooks using ground flax seeds as a binder and instead of LARD (yikes) I used vegan margarine.

Speaking of vegan margarine. WHEN is the SOY FREE Earth Balance going to be available in Canada?

The set is actually my kitchen. In the background you can see my McCoy happy face cookie jar. Behind my giant beehive wig is my Jane Wiedlin 2006 calendar and since she gave me a ‘shout out‘ in her calender I thought I should give her one in mine. It’s like looking in a mirror with a mirror! It never ends…  🙂

Speaking of my wig. It’s my all time favourite … I even have a special wig-box that it sits in.

Tanya and I bought wigs back in our HIAV promotional days and we would dress up like waitresses and do this weird ‘truck-stop‘  skit as a cooking demo. *laugh*

Speaking for myself – in the early days I felt really insecure about all the attention fans/readers were giving us and being able to hide behind (or in this case underneath) a wig and a persona – it was easier for me to stand in front of a crowd and talk about veganism and the cookbooks.

I wish I still had that waitress outfit …

On top of the stove is my Mum’s vintage mixer (which I recently found out originally belonged to my Grandmother) and it has appeared on the covers of LDV and HIAV (it’s in the photo but it didn’t make the crop).

Speaking of stoves … I was so happy to have a shot of my darling Samantha (aka my Frigidaire Flair stove). I found this stove back in 2007 and she is my pride and joy. BTW I  named my stove Samantha because Bewitched was where I first saw the stove and I had been coveting one ever since.

So while you’re celebrating Canada Day or in America celebrating Canada Day 4 days late 🙂 these Better Than Butter Tarts make the perfect ooey-gooey treat. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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0 Responses to Go Vegan Calendar – JULY!

  1. Jen says:

    OMG, I was just watching the first season of Bewitched and covetting that stove! *Super jealous*

  2. Bridget says:

    I totally feel special now. My town…which doesn’t have anything. Actually has the soy free Earth Balance. I’m the only vegan in town. Seriously. I get a lot of weird looks. I love it. 🙂

  3. Maria Rose says:

    We just made the switch on our calendar and Cordelia had to really investigate the new image. We love it and can’t wait to try the tarts.

  4. Wendy says:

    I saw the soy-free Earth Balance for the first time at Lifestyles on Douglas today….yay!

  5. Desina says:

    That is a sweet stove. I want one, too…

    The dress? Super-hot. Bet you gave that stove a run for it’s money, booty and all!

    My mother is waiting for salt-free Earth Balance, but I don’t think they make one yet. I haven’t seen the soy-free here in Toronto, either.

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