Getting there…

Out with the old…
In with the new…

Fergus has set up camp in the old drapery.
I even painted the insides of all the closets… am I weird?
Out with the old…
In with the new…
Ok. So they’re all over us to buy enviro friendly bulbs… yet they wrap them up in so much plastic that you can’t even get to them without a box cutter and a phd. WTF?
I have some serious reno wounds… Don’t worry. Nothing too serious.
Floor guy was supposed to start yesterday but was delayed… cross your fingers…

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0 Responses to Getting there…

  1. sar says:

    dude… you gotta paint the inside of the closets…

  2. Carol says:

    I heartily concur.

  3. danielle says:

    i too think it’s good to paint the insides of closets. scarlet would be my choice of a color, but white is nice too.

    flourescents are full of mercury too, so they have to be taken to a recycling drop-off center for special handling when they burn out. grrr. wtf is right.

    congratulations on your new place!

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