Get me this

MAN!! Do I ever want this for my kitchen counter!! Who wants to be my sugar daddy/mommy?

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0 Responses to Get me this

  1. Moochiecat says:

    It took me forever to understand what I was looking at! It’s pretty cool…but I wouldn’t sit on it naked unless your house is heated really well.

  2. Melissa says:

    I agree with moochiecat. It looks really cute but I bet it gets cooooold. and hot. Dont sit on it in front of the fire or you might burn your bum!!

  3. Moochiecat says:

    …and…and…don’t leave it outside in the winter and then lick it!!

    Well…if you live on the coast you’d probably be ok, but if you live like, in Prince George…NOT a good idea!!

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