We had so much fun … we’re doing it again!

Come visit Tattoo Zoo on Friday the 13th and get a tattoo for $13. You heard right. Come in and choose from our 13 themed tattoo flash sheet and only pay us $13!! But this time there is a catch!! You must also bring a can of HEINZ BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE which we will be donating to The Mustard Seed Food Bank as they are extremely low on beans.

Tell your friends. Bring your neighbors. This event will be first come first served so don’t be late. We open at 11am.

And if you’re not in the mood for a tattoo but still want to donate a can of beans, please pop down to the shop and drop it off. 🙂

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0 Responses to FRIDAY THE 13th – $13 TATTOO EXTRAVAGANZA!

  1. Maria Rose says:

    After you’re done you can say,”Bean there done that.”

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