Dog licker…

My dog is the cutest!

He’s taking antibiotics right now for a little paw issue (Don’t panic Baldman. It’s nothing serious) and he LOVES taking his medication.

Right click and save this movie to your desktop before watching it. Thanks!!

The video is a little dark… but it sure is cute. Yes that is Gerry in the background reading BUST magazine. In case you’re wondering my duvet cover is from IKEA. And the syringe does not have a needle on the end. So don’t panic.

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0 Responses to Dog licker…

  1. Carrieâ„¢ says:

    Ohmygawd! He is the cutest freakin’ dog! I’ll even admit cuter than mine. And Simon is my pride and joy so that’s saying A LOT! Don’t you just want to hug and cuddle him all the time?

  2. Xi says:

    What a good boy! My kitten takes lysine supplement with the same type of syringe thingy and it does not go like that at all!

  3. girl least likely to says:

    love the pup!

    and love the duvet cover–we have the same one, but in green. 🙂

    (this is my first post on your blog, so i feel like i have to say: i have all three of your cookbooks, and i heart them all.)

  4. Sarah's Blog says:

    Yay!!! 🙂

  5. Erika says:

    hey sarah-
    (I’ve never posted onhere before)

    I used to intern at BUST. If you have the previous issue from a few years ago with Sandra Bernhardt on the cover I am the girl who wrote the article on The Typing Explosion.


    P.S. your doggie is cute!

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