Did you know…

… that I’m related to The Marble Rye Lady from Seinfeld?? She’s a distant cousin of mine and her family is trying to get her inducted into the Canadian Walk of Fame.

Check out this VIDEO story the CBC did on her this week. If you’d like to sign the petition to get her a star on the walk of fame – you can go HERE.

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6 Responses to Did you know…

  1. Maria Rose says:

    You mean Mrs. Tremont from Twin Peaks!

  2. skinartia says:

    She was awesome in Happy Gilmore…and I’m thrilled that she’s from Manitoba! 😀

  3. Anonymous says:

    How fascinating! I recently learned in a sociology theory class that she’s the sister of the very interesting sociologist Erving Goffman, so I guess you’re related to him, too!


  4. leigh says:

    that’s awesome!!

  5. Mary says:

    That is so cool. I LOVE the marble rye lady!!

  6. Crys T says:


    My worlds are colliding……my brain cannot handle this…….

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