Design Sponge

I’m tickled pink! Design Sponge has showcased my home in their before/after section. Check it out HERE!!

Once you’ve checked out Design Sponge you can see the rest of the photos HERE.

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0 Responses to Design Sponge

  1. Maria Rose says:

    Woweee! Lovely, of course. Way to work some Blue Velvet into the decor. Anyone who loves Lynch AND veganism is a friend indeed!

  2. Miranda says:

    oh sarah that is really amazing!!! you’re so multi-talented.ever think of interior designing..??

  3. vegannikki says:

    I think Im in love…..with ur house!!! It is right up my ally. Ur awesome.

  4. Paisley says:

    Your house looks beautiful. Great job.

  5. Eve Love says:

    love love love your toy collection. specially the ding-dong apples with the GoGo’s reccord in the background…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hi! I am new to veganism and found your blog after searching your name on the internet (I bought How It All Vegan!).

    I am happy to see you have a new book coming out in September. I can’t wait!

    I am a gluten free vegan, so I hope there will be some recipes I can use. In any event I love How It All Vegan so much, I’m sure I’ll love your new book. And I have no problem substituting gluten free grains for wheat.

    Your house is just wonderful. I visited Victoria on my honeymoon. It is one of my favorite places. How blessed you are to live there.

    Am looking forward to your new book! Sheryl

  7. Nat says:

    ok, woahs. your house is freakin AMAZING. im in love with the wallpaper…. where did it come from??!! awesome job.

  8. gwern says:

    OMG! i was getting my daily design*sponge fix and thought that the dining room looked strangely familiar then i see the name and holy crap dude! how awesome is that?!!
    yay! your place looks sooo good! 😀

  9. Anonymous says:

    Like everything else that’s associated with you, the house is fantastic! Your style amazes me.


  10. leigh says:

    it looks fantastic!

  11. jacklyn says:

    i loved this before and after! you have a beautiful home!

    ~jacklyn (peppermags blog)

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