Chronically Canadian

When I was in Vancouver for CanZine I stopped at a table with a magazine called Chronically Canadian. The magazine is geared towards people living with chronic illness. As someone who’s struggled with CFS for many years I snapped it up immediately. It’s a lovely magazine filled with humour and a lot of information and I wish it had been around when I was in the thick of my illness.

***Congrats to Anne for scooping the magazine. For the rest of you slackers you can order a copy HERE.

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0 Responses to Chronically Canadian

  1. Supersaar says:

    You have CFS?
    My God! Me too!
    I’m glad to see that you can still make something out of your life with that ugly disease.
    Any tips?

  2. KleoPatra says:

    Good to know there’s info out there written in a pleasant way about a very debilitating illness. Thanks for sharing the site there…

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