
Do you use calendars? You know… the kind you hang on the wall? Or do you use a journal/calendar? Or the calendar on your computer??

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15 Responses to Calendars…

  1. vegannikki says:

    I use the kind u hang on the wall that way my husband can see whats going on, if he’d ever look at it!

  2. Paisley says:

    The wall calendar is the one that gets the most use in our house.

  3. Maria Rose says:

    I use a day planner. I can take enter appointments and birthdays in it as they come up, rather than waiting until I get home.

  4. Eve Love says:

    i use a weekly planner (pocket size) that follows me around.
    and a wall calendar that i put on the fridge so my boyfriend has all the information right in his face at least a few times a day…

  5. E.K. Wimmer says:

    I use wall ones, with kittens dangling from trees that say “hang in there.”

  6. ashley says:

    I have a fraggle rock wall calendar and a day planner… I use neither… my new years resolution was to use a day planner… Im stuck in march.

  7. Lesli says:

    i am a freak. i use one on the kitchen wall, the journal style by my bed, one mini one in my purse, and on my cell phone. im a little frazzled and A LOT busy!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I use an Elvis Calendar every year!:D

  9. Krista says:

    I use a wall calendar plus a pocket one.

  10. leigh says:

    i use a day planner but at work i like the wall calendar.

  11. mizzmonsta says:

    my hubby and I use Yahoo Calendar and share our profiles with each other. For example, he schedules something in the calendar from his computer at work, and I can see it on my computer in my home office… or if either of us is on the road, it’s accessible online 24/7. A physical calendar wouldn’t work for us…

  12. skinartia says:

    I have the hanging kind at home and I use it. This year is a Family Guy one. 🙂

  13. Scott says:

    I use the Google Calendar but print it so I can have a copy on my desk.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I have a Slingshot weekly planner I use to track when my ass goes to yoga. I als ohave a wall one in my kitchen, just so I know what day it is. I usually buy my wall calander on supermarkdown on Jan 5th or something.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I use a purse size diary planner for all my dates, but we always have a wall calender cause how great is it to have changeable art on the wall???!!!!!!! 🙂

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