Best girly girls

Went to a baby shower for my girl-friend Sarah M yesterday.

While Sarah opened gifts – each of us talked about how we first met Sarah and I couldn’t for the life of me remember the exact moment we met but I realized as I was talking about our friendship that we’ve known each other for over 15 years. Maybe closer to 20? It’s nuts! I’m excited to meet her little potato!! Also in the photo is my friend Hayley who’ve I’ve known for 10 years. Maybe more? Has it been more? Gosh I’m blessed to have such lovely, sweet supportive friends in my life for so many years.

In other news: I didn’t realize how much shorter I was than the girls till I saw this photo. *laugh* Holy crap I’m short. As you can also see in the photo my hair is getting long and curly! I feel like a hairy hippy or something … Leah at The Lab salon is making me grow it out. Well, actually she’s not “making me”. I am obviously a willing participant in this experiment to see if I can rock the Jew-Fro but it’s getting to the length right now that I hate. I am starting to feel like I’m wearing a Bea Arthur wig.

And don’t get me wrong. I freaking LOVE Bea Arthur to the max! I just don’t want her hair.  🙂 I told Leah I’d give her till my trip to Hawaii to grow out my hair and we’ll see how I feel. Well Maui is fast approaching and I think I leave in 20 days or so … so I have a decision to make. Leave it or cut it back to my usual super-short haircut. Hmmm. Decisions… decisions.

In other news: Ryan did a great job of spreading out the 2010 Calendar in the Nanaimo Chaters. Gold star Ryan!  🙂

Off to hike around the lake!! Gotta work off some of the baby shower treats I ate!

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0 Responses to Best girly girls

  1. Holly says:

    Yeah but the treats you ate at the baby shower are vegan, so they must be healthy! At least that’s what I keep saying to myself whenever yet another VCTOTW cupcake gets into my mouth.

  2. C says:

    That’s a really cute picture of you! You look very happy 🙂

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