
All it takes to get me back into the kitchen is some fresh basil.

Impossible Farms here in Victoria have these personal sized living basil plants that are sold in most of the grocery stores around Victoria. They disappeared over the winter and I was crushed at the thought that maybe they had gone out of business… but today I saw their plants and my mouth watered and here I am!!

I made 5 Minute Fresh Basil (page 127 of LDV) tonight because it’s soooo simple to make and because it’s a fresh un-cooked sauce the basil – fresh tomato flava gives me goosebumps.

I’m am so happy to have fresh basil back in my grocery store again that I’m going to give you the recipe!! 🙂

5 Minute Fresh Basil Pasta

Pasta (enough for 2 people)
4 medium tomatoes, roughly chopped
2 tbsp oil (flax, olive, hemp, etc)
2 garlic cloves
1/4 cup fresh basil, tightly packed
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

Cook the pasta. Chop one of the tomatoes and set aside for later. In a food processor blend the remaining tomatoes, oil, garlic, basil, salt and pepper. Drain and return the noodles to the pot. Stir in sauce and chopped tomatoes. Serve immediatly. YUMMMMMMY!!!

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0 Responses to Basil

  1. Kramers says:

    Yum! I shall try this recipe. Kids would likey for lunchy.

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