Bakesale success!

The bake-sale was a massive success! We set up the table outside of Tattoo Zoo and spent the day meeting/greeting everyone who walked by!

I made a lot of Chocolate Chip Cookies (recipe in LDV)!

I also made a ton of Better Than Butter Tarts (recipe in HIAV-X) and they sold out almost immediately. Hooray!

We had two tables full of volunteer baked treats to choose from.

And I met all sorts of lovely people.

It was a really fun afternoon despite the freezing cold wind. Why did I wear a dress instead of warm pants?? I’m sad nobody got to see my cute dress and my Domestic Terrorist apron … but thanks to Gerry and his hoodie I managed to stay warm.  🙂

MANY thanks to all the volunteers who donated treats, donated their time and energy to helping and I am very excited to announce that we raised over $1000 for Friends of Animals. They will be using the funds to print out more Vegan Start Guides.

Big thanks to Dave Shishkoff who was the captain of this ship. He did the majority of the organizing and without his effort none of this would have happened. So give lots of loud hand-claps for him!! 🙂

If you would like to participate in Worldwide Vegan Bakesale Day there is more information HERE.

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2 Responses to Bakesale success!

  1. Kolina says:

    YAY! I’m so glad it went well. 🙂

  2. Bri'gette says:

    Thats is wonderful:: Maybe Spokane can have one of those bakesales.

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