
Well my bad menstrual cycle has brought news of out of wack hormones and anemia. Bah.

I had a nice long visit with my naturopath who looked over my blood work and now she has me taking this tincture that tastes like ass. No wait. It tastes like ass covered in dirt. Hope it starts working right away … me so tired.I am having an ultrasound on Tuesday to check out my womb and see what’s up. Hello ovaries. Whatcha got cookin in there?

In other news I made some more Vegan Butter Tarts. Gotta make sure the recipe is perfect… this recipe isn’t in any of the books, it is a new recipe for the calendar.

I need a good name for Vegan Butter Tarts. Vegan Butter Tarts is so boring but for the life of me I can’t think of a good title. I blame the anemia…

So let’s have a contest.

Whoever can come up with a great name for Vegan Butter Tarts will get the Butter Tart recipe early so they can try it for themselves. Huh? HUH? What do ya think? E-mail your ideas to

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3 Responses to Bah

  1. Andrea says:

    with the word ‘tart’ there are so many possibilities!

  2. Karene says:

    Have you tried dong quai Sarah? It has fixed time and again all of my monthly problems. It regulates blood flow And your hormones and does not have any side affects.

  3. nicole says:

    Oh, I’m a little behind on this, but I recently had an ultrasound to check out my womb — mostly for cysts and endometriosis. But if all is well, you might not be able to say hello to your ovaries. My doctor couldn’t even find mine! I assume they’re in there, as did he. He said if there was a problem, you’d definitely be able to see them 🙂

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