Marie wrote me this great letter that totally made my day.
On Christmas Eve morning I gingerly crept up the stairs to the kitchen with HIAV tucked under my arm, head in the sky, quads flexed, triceps active, eyes on the prize. With one fell swoop of my right arm, HIAV walloped onto the kitchen counter, making it’s epic entrance. My Dad’s pupils dilated upon its encounter. Without making a noise I stealthily opened the chosen book to pages I booked marked far in advance, pg 83, the Mighty Miso Gravy, I allowed my index finger to graze across the title as my dad’s eyes followed, “Yes I canâ€, in 0.0938 of a second I turned the page, pg 122, Tofurky. My eyes slowly lined up with my Dads, I could sense and feel his doubt, I gave him a discrete nod.
He starred deep into the depths of my eyes “Do what you have to do.â€
I made your Mighty Miso Gravy and Tofurky on christmas day. :) My first Christmas as a veggienoid, with the family. Dinner was FANTASTIQUE!! Had left overs for 3 days and on top of that only got one weird look, But that was just from a step Aunt, she doesn’t count
Me so happy (miso happy, haha… no? Not funnys…oh. OK. Sorry.
– Marie
I’d love to hear more of your holiday cookbook stories! Send them to
Marie has it right. Your recipes are always featured at our holiday meals. Yeeeehaw (that’s Wyoming talk for Woot Woot).
I’ve been falling in love with being vegan all over again as I thumb my way through HIAV:the 10th anniversary version and the 2010 calendar. Although my family won’t deign to share in any of my vegan creations, they love your cookbooks and therefore, buy them for me. Weird, I know, but hey, I appreciate it
Plus, all my omnivore friends are overjoyed when I cook and bake for them so thank you for making me look so good.
Oh cool, I didn’t know there was a tofurky recipe in HIAV. I’ll be sure to attempt to cook that for Easter dinner instead of always buying a tofurky at Whole Foods.
I got completely spoiled with kitchen goodies this holiday season, so it only seemed logical to make a New Year’s resolution to bake/cook something new every week. As 4 outta 9 of my cookbooks — and 1 outta 2 of my calendars — are Sarah Kramer-y, you can rest assured your tasty treats will be making an appearance in my house on a regular basis in 2010.