Author Archives: sarah
Just a typical day …
… at Tattoo Zoo. I shit you not. I’ve had this exact conversation about 1000 times. 🙂
San Fran – part 6
Our last day in San Fran. 🙁 Woke up early and wandered around the Castro a little. Saw some interesting sights … People driving to work … …met up with Jake at Herbivore for one last visit and one last … Continue reading
Keep it down! Fergus is sleeping!
Keep it down! Fergus is sleeping!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 109… Fergus is the king of sleeping-in. He’ll stay in bed till 2pm if I let him. He’s like a camel… He can hold his water for … Continue reading
San Fran – part 5
Woke up so so so excited. Why? Because Jane had made plans for us to have a SPA DAY!! First … I had a major snuggle with The Twins. Then Jane and I drove out to somewhere (I got lost) … Continue reading
When in doubt …
I was driving down Foul Bay Road today on my way to the grocery store when I saw a man holding up an elderly lady by the arm. She was flailing around and I couldn’t figure out if he was … Continue reading
San Fran – part 4
Woke up in the morning with sore thighs (Ugh – the hills are so steep in SF) but ready to do some more exploring. Our hostess and host had to work all day so Gerry and I decided to wander… … Continue reading
Fergus not pleased about the change in weather.
Fergus not pleased about the change in weather. , originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 108 … Brrr it’s getting cold out.
San Fran – part 3
Gerry and I woke up early to find a note from our hostess that she had woken up with a migraine (poor dear) and was going to stay in bed … So Gerry and I decided to walk to Herbivore … Continue reading
San Fran – part 2
Once we got settled and un-packed – Jane, Travis (Jane’s bf), Gerry and I headed out to a Halloween Party at Gregangelo house/museum. I can’t even explain what I saw … the house was like nothing I’d ever been in. … Continue reading
Fergus love Mummy!
Fergus love Mummy!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer There’s been a lot of staring since I got home from vacation. I think someone is trying to send me love through his eyes …