Author Archives: sarah
Fergus love defying gravity!
Fergus love defying gravity!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 60 … Seriously. How do his ears defies gravity? Are there wires in there?
Dna my dog…
I did a dna test (via DNA my Dog) for Fergus a few weeks ago and the results are in! Sadly Gerry is NOT the father but he is the Daddy. 🙂 So here’s the breakdown: High levels of poodle. … Continue reading
Boobs, Paps and bowling…
I went for my yearly physical today which includes a full pap and breast exam… Thank dog I went because my doctor found a lump in my right breast. It is nothing to panic about – he is sending me … Continue reading
Fergus love to eat Canada Geese poop!
Fergus love to eat Canada Geese poop!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 59 … Oh my dog. It was a feeding frenzy. The horror. THE HORROR!
Got this letter from Amanda: Hi Sarah 🙂 I’m a big admirer of yours (not in a weird way) and I was wondering if I could get a smidge bit of advice from you…what do you do when someone tells … Continue reading
Just call Fergus angel of the morning!
Just call Fergus angel of the morning!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 58 … Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby. Ugh it’s sooooo hard to leave Fergus on the days I work out of the … Continue reading
TZ Shirts
We recently had some limited edition Tattoo Zoo shirts made!! WOOT! We have some shirts available in the store … and I put a few up on ETSY for those of you who live out of town!! Get ’em while … Continue reading
Fergus love to lick Mummy tub!
Fergus love to lick Mummy tub! , originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 57 … I don’t know why he licks out the tub after I’ve been in there. Perhaps I’m especially yummy. There’s no accounting for taste…
Veg-News Vegan In Victoria
Did a little interview with Veg-News about being vegan in Victoria. You can check it out the full article HERE. VegNews: What is your must-have restaurant dish? Sarah Kramer: We have a bunch of vegan and vegan-friendly restaurants in town, … Continue reading
Vegan channel!
Healthy Chef Alex is right … we need our own vegan channel!! Thanks for the love Alex. 😉