Author Archives: sarah
Fergus love snuggle!
Fergus love snuggle!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 67 … I thought cats were snuggly but Fergus puts them to shame.
*WOOT* Herbivore store is now carrying the 2010 Go Vegan Calendar. Use the coupon code: “HERBIVORE” and recieve 15% off.
Fergus love new octopus toy!
Fergus love new octopus toy!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 66… Purchased Fergus an octopus hand-puppet at High End Dog the other day. Best. Toy. Ever. Endless wresting, biting and snuffling. LOVE!
Day 65!! Only 300 more to go!!
Day 65!! Only 300 more to go!! , originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 65!! Only 300 more to go!! Fergus may be bored of having his photo taken but hopefully you’re not. I know this blog has turned … Continue reading
Fergus waiting anxiously for beach season to start!
Fergus waiting anxiously for beach season to start!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 64 … Our favourite beach (Willows Beach in Oak Bay) is closed to dogs from May 1st – Sept 30th… Fergus is trying to be … Continue reading
More stuff…
Just uploaded a bunch more stuff to my Etsy store: Etsygovegan
Fergus is ready for his close-up!
Fergus is ready for his close-up!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 63 … You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!… … Continue reading
Fergus love opportunities!!
Fergus love opportunities!!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 62 … Fergus is not a bad dog. He’s only every ruined two things in his entire life. He chewed my friend Jen’s reading glasses (he was a puppy) and … Continue reading
Just put some stuff up on ETSY. Etsygovegan I’ll be adding more tomorrow. 🙂
Fergus thinks waiting outside is gauche!
Fergus thinks waiting outside is gauche!, originally uploaded by Sarah Kramer Day 61 … Sometimes when I go to certain stores/restaurants – Fergus is not welcome inside. Fergus thinks that if children can come inside – he should be … Continue reading