Arsenal Amazon

New VAGG page up at Arsenal Pulp and over at Amazon. We’re getting closer and closer!! 🙂

Whatever you do… Don’t pre-order. I have a little surprise for you regular blog watchers.

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0 Responses to Arsenal Amazon

  1. Eve Love says:

    yeah! we like surprises!

  2. E.K. Wimmer says:

    I can’t wait!

  3. Anonymous says:

    You’re gonna’ make me sit and tap my fingers waiting again aren’t you?! Can hardly wait. BTW, everyone here likes the Righteous Orbs, we had guests over for lunch & I made them to go with what we had, they were a HIT!!!

  4. vegannikki says:

    Oh I cant even stand the wait!!

  5. Paisley says:

    Can’t wait till the new book comes out.
    Last week we ate 3 recipes of yours.
    They always turn out so yummy.
    I’m so excited for VAGG.

  6. Lesli says:


  7. VeggieMedic says:

    Oooohh! I’m so excited!! I’ve been cooking like a mad woman out of La Dolce Vegan this week. I’m looking forward to Vegan a go go!!!

  8. Krista says:

    Yay! Can’t wait for VAGG to be released! I’m munching on a Righteous Orb as I type; they really are delicious.

  9. vegannikki says:

    Can I just say that i just made the righteous orbs and OMG, I just love them. I also love the fact that I can make something so tasty without turing on the oven!

  10. VeganWino says:

    What’s a righteous orb!!? I feel left out!! I wanna make 1!! Which book please !?!?

  11. Caroline says:

    SOOOO excited… squeeee!

  12. Sam says:

    Ooh! I love surprises! I’m doing the test for the first installment of the cooking show this weekend! I’ll be featuring your amazing tortilla soup recipe!

  13. Saar and Niko says:

    Our big ‘a go go’ adventure is in july-august…
    But surprises always help…

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