… and you smell like one too!

Everyone say Happy Birthday to my Old Man!!

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0 Responses to … and you smell like one too!

  1. Enny says:

    Happy birthday to your old man – all the way from Canberra =o)

  2. DreamQueen says:

    Happy Birthday, Gerry!

    Sarah: good photo! You rock that camera.

  3. Melissa says:

    Happy Birthday Sarah’s Old Man!! 🙂 Mmmm vegan birthday cake…

  4. speedvegan says:

    Happy Birthday Gerry !!!

  5. Mizz Monster says:

    Happy birthday!!!

  6. No Seriously says:

    He was born on Halloween? How lucky!

  7. Karen says:

    Have a fantastic day!

  8. Danielle says:

    have a happy!

  9. Carol says:

    Happy Birthday, Gerry!

  10. boumette says:

    How young is he turning? Happy B-Day!

  11. wolffie says:

    Happy Birthday, Gerry! Many more….

  12. KleoPatra says:

    Happy belated birthday!! Hope your year ahead is wonderful and healthy and filled with the best of it all!!!

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