I think 2008 was the busiest year I’ve ever lived … 🙂
Jan 2008
I started writing Vegan a Go-Go as well as co-directing/producing/promoting/performing/fund raising and rehearsing 3 nights a week for The Vagina Monologues with my friends Kimmee and Jayde. Feb 2008
I worked on writing/recipes for VAGG as much as I could as well as shooting photos for the inside of the book and continued to rehearse like a mad-woman and then about a week before the VM opening night I was sick with the worst flu I’d ever had. With a fever of 104*, aches, pains and vomit … I thought I wasn’t going to make it through the night let alone be ready for opening night.
By the grace of God … or should I say Vagina God I was well enough to perform on opening night and it was a thrill. All that hard work, tears, rehearsing … at the end of the run we had managed to raise $30,000 for Womans Transition House. Working on the play and raising all that $$ is probably one of the most satisfying and proudest moments of my life.
March 2008
The play was over … but I didn’t really have any time to chill-ax and reflect. I had major deadlines looming for VAGG so I tried my best to dig right in and finish recipe testing and writing.
March was also the month I celebrated my 12th year of marriage to the most handsome wonderful man in the world.April 2008
This was the month of edits, edits and more edits of the finish draft of VAGG.I also flew to Denver to hang out at Veg Fest where I got to hang out with old friends and make some new friends. I ate amazing food and performed America’s Next Top Vegan at the festival and met some amazing people. I had a blast.
I also got to finally meet my longtime internet buddies The Wimmers and spend some quality time getting to know them in person rather then via the internet.
May 2008
I had handed in my manuscript and was waiting the talented Rudee from SSOV to finish up with the final design before I had one last look at it … so I took some time to relax. It was the first time since Oct 2007 that I had a chance to stop and smell the roses. Actually more like smell the ocean.The sun was out and the sand was warm and I spent a lot of time at the beach just trying to relax and reflect on all the hard work I had accomplished in the last 6 or so months. I walked the dog a lot. I painted the bathroom and organized some closets (I find cleaning relaxing). Went for bike rides. Got started on a new tattoo.
Gerry and I also started shooting photos and working on text for the 2010 Calendar.
June 2008
My Step-Mum won a Grammy (I’m so proud of her).June also brought me the almost final version of VAGG for me to look at and tweak and I started painting and doing renos on the kitchen.
I also celebrated my 40th birthday. Really? Am I really 40 already?
music by Lady Robotika
July 2008
I finally put the VAGG to bed … and then The Germans moved in with us to do a 2 month guest spot at the tattoo shop.My pal Gareth of Magic Teeth fame did an amazing drawing of me…
And I worked worked worked on the calendar. I also got to see an advance reader copy of VAGG.
And get a wicked new tattoo from Eckel to remind me that “A stitch in time saves nine.”
Aug 2008
I started pre-sales for VAGG. I ended up in the hospital emergency room from the worst period cramps EVER!! and found out that my hormones were all wack-a-doo.Did some more renos in the kitchen …
And had my niece come and visit me … we had fun. 🙂
This was also the month where I met a woman who had a cassette tape of an interview her friend did with my Mum for a university paper on the theater and she hung onto this cassette tape for 30 years+ thinking it might be something she should save. So I got to hear my Mum talking about the theater and how she met and fell in love with my Dad. It was a blessing out that fell out of the sky that month and I couldn’t be more thankful.
Sept 2008
I finished up my portion of the 2008 calendar and sent it to the publisher for editing and design.
I sent out the the pre-orders for VAGG. I also started working on getting ready for my book launch party and my book tour down the West Coast. The book was finally in stores and I was ready to PARTY!! The launch was so much fun… It was a great way to celebrate all the hard work and to launch me on my book tour.
Oct 2008
Planes trains and automobiles – My book tour started with a bang when I headed to San Fran where Veg News hosted a stellar launch party for me.I also went to the SF Veg Festival where I got to meet some great people and enjoy a little of San Fran.
I also went to Moes Books in Berkeley and then headed north to Portland where I shot an episode with Every Day Dish.
And Josh, Michelle and Ruby hosted a book launch party for me in their store Herbivore.Headed up to Seattle and had a book signing at Madison Market.
Came home to find my new kitchen counters and sink installed. WOOT!
Hung out for 10 days and then hit the road for the 2nd part of my book tour out East. I went to Regina where the Regina Veg Society hosted and event.
I hit up Winnipeg where my brother hosted an event for me at his cafe. Hit up Toronto where Left Feet and Heart on Your Sleeve hosted an event.
Nov 2008
I went to Boston Veg Fest where I was blown away by their festival and got to hang out with some amazing people.
Next stop was DC where Compassion Over Killing hosted a book launch event for me. It was so much fun.
I also got to be in DC for the most amazing election I’ve witnessed in my 40 years on the planet.
I headed to NYC to meet up with Gerry and for my final book launch party at Moo Shoes.
My trip to NY was about food food and more food. I’ve never eaten so much in my life … … it was awesome thanks to my handy dandy Vegan Guide to New York.
After 10 plane rides, 1 train, a million taxies, 11 events and 7 new pairs of shoes purchased I finally came home and collapsed into the furry clutches of my dog. Oh how I missed sweet Fergus. Although he did have fun staying with his Grand-parents while I was away. They spoil him silly.
Came home exhausted from my trip and I unwounded by wallpapering the living room (What is wrong with me?)
Dec 2008
December was a good month. I won a Veg News Award.Finished the 2010 calendar and sent it off.
Got socked in by a major snow storm…
Did a lot of napping…
Holy Crow 2008 was busy… I am so thankful for each and every one of you who support me and all my projects. You are awesome and I appreciate you!!
I’m afraid I’ve lost track of a few friends this year. Lost track of family even. All this work and time away from home has made me a little self-centric. So much focus on promotion and getting the books and calendar out into the stratosphere that I’m afraid I’ve lost touch a little with those who are closest to me.
My goal with 2009 is to continue to have a full and fun life – but with some clearly defined boundaries between work and play. I need to find a better balance. I am also excited to see what happens this new year.
What are your goals for 2009?
Awesome wedding pic Sarah! WOW, I thought I had a busy year :D. One of my highlights this year was meeting you!!! You are so friendly and kind. Here’s to a wonderful 2009!
Oh, one of my goals for 2009 is to travel even more than I did last year 🙂
Was that Dan you were hanging out with in the NYC pic?
Congrats on an amazing year! I plan to have a crazy busy year so wish me luck.
Awww, amazing wedding pic!
I just want to let you know that you are such an inspiration! A completely and wonderfully amazing woman!! Happy late 40th birthday! You honestly look like you haven’t aged a day since your wedding!
Wow, you have a good memory. I’m trying to think of that I’ve done this year but it’s all kind of blurry. I wasn’t even drunk.
Wow, sounds like you had a fabulous year! Aww, I adore Ruby! Julie at Everyday Dish rocks too, I loved doing a segment with her!
I can’t believe all of that was this year! You are so busy.