A day of me …

Had a little ME day yesterday!
I bought a new bathing suit yesterday from Victoria BC based Paradise Cove. Woot! These are the ONLY bathing suits I’ve ever worn that make me feel good about my body … perfection!! I bought a black “Liz” suit (already have a red polka dot one) and I love love love it. Seriously. The suit makes me want to walk around in public showing off my curves! Whens the last time a bathing suit made you feel that comfortable about your body?? 🙂

Here’s a $$ saving tip Victoria girls!! The bathing suits are almost $40 cheaper if you buy online …

I also hit up Cassin Dressmaking yesterday to get some new pants hemmed. What? I’m vertically challenged!! I have to get almost all of my clothes altered to size. I’d do it myself … but Cassin does such a perfect job, it’s worth the $12 to let them hem my pants.

I also got my hair did at Lab Salons by hairdresser extraordinaire Leah Orton. It is no easy task to find someone who can cut my crazy thick Jew hair. In fact I’ve spent my entire life searching for someone who knows how to cut it … and Leah is my girl!! 🙂

She’s trying to convince me to grow my hair out again … and I think I might do it over the winter and see if I can rock The Jew Fro. I don’t know if I’ll make it. As soon as my hair starts to touch the back of my ears I feel claustrophobic and want to shave my head. *laugh*

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0 Responses to A day of me …

  1. Holly says:

    Is it the same style of bathing suit you’re wearing in one of the photos in LDV, when you’re underwater?

  2. Larissa says:

    ‘Sounds like we have the same black swim suit — which I also bought at Paradise Cove. But not online. *pout* Expennnsiiive …!!!

  3. Niki says:

    What gorgeous bikinis! This is EXACTLY what I have been after and never come across. Thanks so much for the link 🙂

  4. Stagwoman says:

    Teehee, you wrote “pubic”…sorry…couldn’t resist…I absolutely ADORE you!!!

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