Resolutions contest! :)

I just saw on the news that Geraldine Doyle (who was the inspiration for the painting of Rosie the Riveter) passed away.

That iconic poster was the inspiration for the cover of the 2010 Calendar and I can’t let the year pass without a shout-out to Geraldine and a thank you to the painter J. Howard Miller for the incredible iconic poster.

I hope I did them proud by recreating the “we can do it” spirit they evoked.

Wowzers! The end of the year snuck up on me … if you asked me what month it feels like I would say Sept. I’ve been so focus on renovating the shop and rehabilitating Dexter that I’ve totally lost track of time. Where did this year go?

I love making year end resolutions and for the life of me I couldn’t even remember what my resloutions were last year … so I had to do a “blog search” and I found them. Let’s see how I did:

#1 – Complete my story The Funhouse. It’s a fiction novel I’ve been working on for 8+ years and I resolve to no longer dabble in writing it but will work/finish/publish it.

FAIL! I swear-to-dog that I sat down every single day with the intention to work on The Funhouse only to distract myself with something else to do. I think I’m afraid of this piece of work I’ve created and that’s why I’m adding back onto my 2011 list but more on that later…

#2 – I will take up a new hobby that doesn’t have to do with work. I’m thinking boxing or perhaps dance classes w/Gerry.

WIN! I learned how to tile. Yes yes … it was attached to work (I tiled the tattoo shop scrub room and hand-washing station) but I now have added “tiler” to my list of handy-person jobs I can do. Yay me!

#3 – I will put away $2 per-day and at the end of the year, treat myself to something special.

WIN! I have been putting away $2 a day for a year (into my coin cans) and I now have $730 saved up!! Woot!! It’s addicting to add $2 coins into my cans … I don’t even want to crack them open and take the $$ out. I just want to keep saving!!

#4 – I pledge to meditate at least few minutes every day.

MEH? I tried to meditate every morning but instead I ended up instead playing Words With Friends in a quiet dark room (under the covers) before getting up for my day. That counts as meditating right?  🙂

#5 – I pledge to do more travel for enjoyment not just work.

WIN! We went to Hawaii in Feb for a vacation and in Oct we went down to San Fran JUST FOR FUN and not for work … and we had a gay old time.  🙂

So what are my resolutions for 2011? Well … I decided to have fun with it and have a contest!! If you’re a frequent reader of my blog you have a pretty good idea of who I am and what I do. I would love to hear your New Years Resolution suggestions for me.

E-mail them to sarah and my top 3 favourite suggestions will get a autographed copy of my new 2011 Calendar.

The last day to send suggestions is January 5th … stay tuned! 🙂

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4 Responses to Resolutions contest! :)

  1. Carol says:

    Usually, I have 2 standing resez: 1-No Parking Tickets; 2-No Library Fines – however, I think my local branch should add a wing and dedicate it to me after all of last year’s fines paid to them, and I get to pick the books to be in that wing… After I get a job(which may be this week – huzzah!) I will save all the change money I generate in a non-piggy bank, Fergus Love Saving! Lastly, to read the daily meditations in The Goddess Companion…this year all year long, for sure!

  2. Andrea Craig says:


    1- Set aside a certain day/time during the week to focus on yourself
    2- set a goal to go outdoors (hike around the lake maybe) a set amount of hours each month and stick with it
    3- You seem to have a knack with animals 🙂 maybe volenteering at a no kill shelter once a month to help them out

    Hope this helps!

  3. Nicki says:

    I’ve been following your blog for what seems like a million years (in a good way!) and for the life of me I cannot remember you ever having a garden or even growing some herbs on your window sill. There is nothing quite like picking a tomato off the vine and eating it right then. Amazing. So I propose (if you don’t already have one) to grow even one plant or plant a small garden. Get some fresh produce, try something new and cut back on your grocery bill 🙂

  4. Ryan says:

    Hi Sarah,

    My name is Ryan, this is my first message on your site. I just got one of your books out from my local library the other day, The Dolce Vegan. I must be honest that I am not a vegan, and not even a vegetarian but it’s not because I don’t want to be, or haven’t tried. I just find it very difficult. Anyway, I love your book. Last night, I tried out a pasta recipe with red pepper and walnut pesto and my meat-eating boyfriend loved it! He called it ‘my fancy pesto’. So thanks for your book and inspiration. I am going to try out some other recipes. Hopefully I can stick to a more vegetarian or vegan diet in 2011. That’s one of my resolutions for 2011.

    You sound somewhat like me in the sense that you are busy for what feels like every second of the day! I love reading all your posts about your dogs. So anyway, my suggestion for you in 2011 would be to find 5 minutes and to absolutely nothing during those five minutes. Call it meditation, silence or whatever but I am sure it will bring some peace to your hectic day.

    All the best,

    Ryan (girl) from Montreal!

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