Day off …

Woke up yesterday and it was raining, dark and moody out. The kind of day that makes you want to pull the blanket over your head and hibernate until it’s over.

That’s exactly why I forced myself to get dressed and go for a hike at Thetis Lake with Hubby and the dog and I’m so glad I did. 🙂 We had a wonderful time traipsing through the damp forest together.

Overcast days kind of suck for color photos but are perfect for practicing your B&W photography.

I think I’ve shot this vista 1000 different times trying to get the perfect shot and today I’m quite satisfied with what I captured.

Uh oh … I think it’s time to finally admit that summer is over 🙂

I also took a ton of Fergus photos so this week’s theme in the Fergus365 project is going to be about our day in the forest. 🙂 What did you do on your day off this week?

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0 Responses to Day off …

  1. Gina says:

    Beautiful pictures, Sarah! My husband and I really want to visit your neck of the woods eventually (we currently live in Tennessee). Today is starting off to be a nice day here! High of 65 degrees so I took my son to the park to run around…although he didn’t do much running. He was too busy collecting leaves and acorns. Maybe he is part squirrel? hehe

  2. HappieKamper says:

    I went to Killington, VT. Peak foliage up there right now. Got some great pics. Oh, and went to a brewfest at the skil lodge. Yum.

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