Hawaii – Day 1

WHAT A VIEW to wake up to!

Every room at the hotel has a view of the ocean/beach and it was incredible!!

As we ate our breakfast on the lanai we couldn’t believe our eyes! WHALES! We saw freaking whales jumping in the ocean in front of our hotel room. WHERE ARE WE?  🙂

The first thing Gerry and I wanted to do was walk on the beach and because of the 2 hour time difference we were up super early and were raring to go … so we went for a nice long walk.

The hotel warned us that we shouldn’t swim directly in front of our hotel (because of the rocks/reef) but that we could swim 150 yards to the right or left of our hotel.

The beach was sweet and I almost started crying AGAIN because I was so filled with joy to be with my hubby and to share his first time walking on the beach in Hawaii.

On the way back to our hotel we noticed this … WHERE ARE WE? Paradise?

Hooked up with The Rents and drove to a town called Paia to poke around and find some lunch. We went to Flatbread Pizza which was recommended by a friend and it didn’t disappoint. They had a vegan pizza right on the menu (my kind of restaurant) and it was DELISH!

We separated from my parents and wandered around by ourselves a little … of course we had to stop at the local tattoo shop and we are so glad we did. We met the folks over at Paia Tattoo Parlor and they invited us to an art show they were having on Sat, so we put that on our “to do” list and went to explore the rest of the town.

Once outside we realized we had run out of time and needed to meet back up with The Rents and we weren’t aware we had just missed (by 1 block) a chance to shop at Mana Foods for groceries.  Booo. Don’t worry Mana. I’ll be back.  🙂

We drove to another health-food store (that was closer to our hotel) and spent a LOT of $$ on food. Yikes. Expensive.

Got back to the hotel and went for another beach-walk, only this time with my parents. Unfortunately in all the excitement of being in Hawaii we had all forgotten (including Gerry) that Gerry had hurt his foot 2 weeks previous on a hike … and by the end of the day he was in a lot of pain from overworking his ankle (the poor dear) so we spent the evening laying around and watching one of our favourite TV shows – AFV.

What? Don’t judge me.
Remember when Fergus was on AFV?

BTW when we ate at the condo – I kept our meals really simple (because I’M ON VACATION!!) and we stocked up on fresh fruit (oh man the pineapple were incredible), some Field Roast Products (which are super easy to cook up in a flash), bread, nutbutter and I made a giant bowl of the Raw Slaw from VAGG. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.  😉

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0 Responses to Hawaii – Day 1

  1. Holly says:

    Isn’t Hawaii awesome?? I’m so glad Gerry finally got a chance to experience it! I lived there for 4 months and it was the best experience of my life! The vegan options rival even Victoria. That pizza looks SO good.

    Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!

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