Vancoooouver – part 1

What a fun weekend in Vancouver!

I left for Van the night before my event… there is no way I wanted to do a long drive and ferry trip AND then go do a meet & greet. It’s too exhausting. Luckily I had Chris (the apprentice from Tattoo Zoo) with me so the ferry ride wasn’t boring … in fact we had a lot of fun! Didn’t get to my parents till about 10pm so we had a quick visit and then right to bed. I woke up early and had nice breakfast with my parents (they make the best oatmeal) before heading down to Gastown for a meeting with my publisher Brian.

Gas Town

Brian took me to a place around the corner called Nuba.

The food was excellent. I had the red lentil soup and salad. YUM!

Lentil Soup

After talking business with Brian I walked around the corner to Dress/Sew. It’s an incredible place to shop for fabrics and notions. Aisle after aisle of stuff to look at. I think I was in there for 90 minutes or more. *laugh*

Dress Sew

I bumped into the wickedly talented Carolyn Mark in the wig aisle (she was in town for a show) and we had a nice chat while I watched her try on wigs.

Dress Sew

Then I got stuck in the sequin aisle… it’s quite mesmerizing…

I walked around a little and did some antiquing (got a great pair of mid-century salt and pepper shakers) and then bumped into more Victoria friends – Peter and Carmen. After another nice chat I walked up the street to Gorilla Food to pick up something to eat for later.

Gorilla Food

I bought a slice of Pesto Pizza … oh lordy. It was yum! ๐Ÿ™‚

Gorilla Pizza

Started driving towards Karmavore (which is outside of Vancouver in New Westminster) and even though it was early in the day I thought I should get a head start … I didn’t want to be late for my event at 5pm. Thank goodness I left early because traffic WAS INSANE! I can only imagine what a clusterf**k this town is going to be during the olympics.


Karmavore is THE CUTEST little store. They carry everything from shoes, bags, wallets and books as well as food products! It’s about time we had a store like this in BC!

I had a nice visit getting to know my Karmavore Hosts and before we knew it … it was 5pm and people were arriving for the party! To Be Continued

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2 Responses to Vancoooouver – part 1

  1. marvin says:

    is the first shot done with a holga camera?

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