Google Analytics – part 2 aka Big Tits Mammy

So I was looking at what keywords people use to find their way to my website and the top three are:

1. Sarah Kramer
2. How It All Vegan
3. Go Vegan

Those all make sense and for the next 59 or so search words it’s a variation of the above … until you get to number 60. Someone clicked on my website because they were searching for “Big Titss Mammy”.


But wait. There’s more… like “Jesus was a pirate” and “Fergus The Dragon” and “eye patch guy” and my personal favourite “vegan and herpes” ahh ah a ha…

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2 Responses to Google Analytics – part 2 aka Big Tits Mammy

  1. heather says:

    hahahaha thats awesome
    now i gotta go find out what people search to find me!

  2. Holly says:

    *LOL* That’s brilliant! That made me giggle out loud at work. 😛

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