Dandelion Eatery

YAY!! My bro and sis-in-law put on a fun event for me at The Dandelion Eatery last night. Not only did he and his crew make treats from my book but he also made things that he sells in the deli. They are now smoking their own tofu at Dandelion and it’s amazing. Even though I’m not allowed soy anymore – I had a little nibble last night and it’s fabu. If you’re in the ‘peg go and check out the smoked tofu.
So many wonderful sweet people showed up like Lorraine’s Mum. Lorraine couldn’t make the party because of work so she sent her Mum as a proxy. What a sweetheart. Lorraine also made me my own personal duct tape VAGG holder. Isn’t it fantastic?!! I think Lorraine should go into business. 🙂
So many friendly people in Winnipeg…

Hey. Isn’t that the woman I met in the Victoria airport a few days ago? YES IT IS!! Love her.

The fabulous Greg Milka Crowe came with his beautiful family… they’re looking for other like minded Vegan families with small children to hang out with in Winnipeg. Contact them via Greg’s myspace if you’re interested. So now I’m waiting for lunch (my bro is cooking) and waiting for the kids to come home for lunch. My niece is bringing her “BOYFRIEND” to meet me so I’m going to have some fun embarrassing them.

In a few hours I’ll be in TO. My internet connection at the place I’m staying is always dodgy so you may or may not hear from me for a few days. Cross your fingers I can get a good connect

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