Art-full day

I had a hard time going to sleep last night. I haven’t been traveling on my own in quite a while and I kept opening my eyes to see if there was a killer in the room. Then I remembered I had downloaded some meditation podcasts from I-tunes before I left and one of them was named “zzzzzzz”. I figured that one would help me fall asleep and boy-howdy did it ever. I slept like a log.

I woke up early today to the sound of Spanish being yelled in my courtyard. I’m not sure what they were talking about but it sounded angry. Couldn’t get back to sleep so I decided to get up and wander.

My Auntie Flow is with me on this trip (she always seems to travel with me when I’m away from home – what’s with her? She has terrible timing) but thankfully she’s behaving this time (thanks to my Naturopath) but I am feeling pretty tired. I had planned to hit some stores and go searching for a present for Gerry’s birthday but instead found myself wandering around the SFMOMA for hours.

It was so nice to be in a beautiful space looking at beautiful things and just taking my time. That’s the one great thing about traveling by yourself is you are on your own time table so if you want to sit and stare at the architecture of a building for 20 minutes – you can do so guilt free.

Perogy Cat tried to get it on with this dinosaur but it wasn’t having any of it…

I purchased this beautiful earrings by Amy Torello in the gift shop and they’ve been jingling all day in my ears. It’s a nice sound. 🙂
Then I sat under a tree for a while in the Yerba Buena Gardens and just took some time to breathe and people watch.
Then I crossed the street over to the Contemporary Jewish Museum and did some more wandering. I sat down to read this wall and then all of a sudden saw the word Vegan. It kind of woke me up out of my gallery slumber and I stopped and re-read it again. Funny how a word that relates to your lifestyle can do that.
The museum is all kinds of angles and shapes. I wish I had brought my SLR instead of my point and shoot so I could get some stellar photos but the thought of dragging it around made my shoulders hurt, so I left it at home. I’ll have to bring it with me on the next leg of the tour…
My stomach started rumbling and there were no real places for Vegans to eat in this area (I had done a search on The Google last night) so I hoofed it back down to Whole Foods and picked up another Mediterranean Boxed Lunch. Yum.

On the way I stumbled onto a Merry Go Round in the middle of downtown. How cool!
I am really wishing I had brought my SLR now …
Now I’m back at the hotel resting my poor feet before the big party tonight.

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