Nature Mill

Well … after some generous birthday cheques from my family (thanks Pat, Richard, Gerry, Dad & Denise) I was able to order the Nature Mill Composter and she arrived yesterday! Woot!!

It looks really rugged on the website but it actually doesn’t weight much and is more like a styrofoam chest painted black with a motor inside but don’t get me wrong, it’s well built.

Inside the chamber …
It’s as easy as “plug it in and add food waste”. The button is for when you want to transfer your compost to the bottom bucket to remove.
The first batch of compost you make is the most important. We are trying to set up a good “culture” and have to add some baking soda, saw dust pellets (both included)…
… and some dirt from a healthy garden (which we nixed last night from our neighbors)
Then I added my waste from last nights salad…
We put the composter outside on the deck because everything I’ve read said that until the motor has had a few weeks to break in … it’s quite loud. I didn’t want to worry about her during the night so we put her on the deck.
And when I woke up I found THIS! She works hard for her $$. 🙂
She needs a name. I’ve been calling her Compy but that’s also what I call my computer … so that’s not going to work. Hmmm. Any thoughts?

I’ll keep you up to date with how she’s doing. So far … so good. My only complaint about the unit is the directions manual. It’s soooo poorly written and overly complicated when the unit is quite simple. But other then that … so far I likey.

Oh yeah!! I have three – $30 off coupons for anyone in the USA who wants to buy this unit. E-mail me if you’d like the coupon.

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3 Responses to Nature Mill

  1. angelacf says:

    we just saw wall-e (which I highly recommend – sadly apocalyptic kids movie with grub like things for humans of the future) any- hoo – the girl robot is named eva & her directive is to find plant life & report back – So I think eva coz – well really, the composter looks more like wall-e – maybe sorta both combined but the directive is similar – ish

  2. rizzarizzrazz says:


  3. Kelleen - Picks Over Peas says:

    I would love one of the coupons if you still have them! My husband ran over our outdoor composter with the tractor so I have decided to buy one of these to keep on my porch out of harms way 🙂

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