10 more sleeps …

… till we go to Maui! I can already feel myself going into hermit vacation mode and it feels good.  🙂 Do you have any “you must do this when you are in Maui” tips?

Gerry took me out for veggie brown rice sushi the other night at Futaba and as we were waiting for our food I noticed a little figurine that looked a lot like someone I know …

Look familiar?  🙂

Speaking of Gerry we had to take him to the clinic because we thought he may have broken his foot last week when we went for that big hike. It’s been bugging him all week and hasn’t gotten any better. The clinic was pretty busy yesterday so we had about a 40 minute wait. Gerry found ways to pass the time …

The doc thinks it’s a bad sprain – so Gerry needs to stay off his leg for a few days and if it’s still bugging him he’ll need an x-ray. Fingers crossed he doesn’t need a cast … can you imagine being in Hawaii with a cast?  🙁

In other news I’ve been brainstorming about a new book idea … my publisher Brian has planted a few idea seeds into my head and I’m going to use the trip to Hawaii to meditate on them and see what comes up. Do you have any “idea seeds” you’d like to add? I love to hear from you … you’re all so creative.

On today’s agenda? Keep Gerry from using his foot …

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0 Responses to 10 more sleeps …

  1. Ashley says:

    Check out the town of Paia– it’s the coolest hippie town I’ve ever been to (and I live in the Pacific Northwest). There’s some nice vintage shops and a natural grocery store.

  2. Katie says:

    I would love to see an exotic vegan cookbook because there are so many crazy looking vegetables at the market that I have no idea how to cook but would love to try.

  3. Holly says:

    New book ideas?? I think a vegan Hawaiian cookbook would be a good book idea!! Vegan Loco Moco would be an awesome recipe :D.

  4. Jessica says:

    If you’re in Maui, take some time to visit the Botanical Gardens in Hana. There are lots of little fruit and vegetable stands along the road through Hana with possibly the most delicious avocados I’ve ever had. 🙂

  5. Sarah Messel says:

    I loved Maui! The best vegan things to eat there are all the fresh fruit – I often think about the passionfruit – it was so cheap and so delicious. We also ate a lot at Maui Taco – they have lots of vegan options http://www.mauitacos.com/hi.htm the same people run mala which is an awesome location right on the water – we saw turltes when we were eating there http://malaoceantavern.com/menus.html we loved http://www.veg-out.com/ near Paia and also Fresh Mint, a Vietnamese place in Paia. The health food stores were very well stocked too – we liked Mana Foods in Paia and Hawaiian Moons in Kihei – they stock that awesome coconut milk based ice cream that we don’t get in Canada yet http://www.coconutbliss.com/ so amazing! We did the middle of the night drive up the crater to watch the sunrise and it was worth it. And we hiked Waihe’e Ridge Trail which was awesome if you are into hiking. And the drive to Hana and Hana itself were beautiful.
    Have a great trip!

  6. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for the awesome shout out! Eating Coconut Bliss in Hawaii is a real treat. I stopped by to share that we are coming to Canada this spring! I’m actually holding the proofs for the bi-lingual bar box in my hands 🙂
    Blissful Regards,

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